Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia is the realworldcasting.com winner, who was awarded a spot on the show thanks to her loyal friends who worked with her to win the contest. Ayiiia, who is Mexican and proficient in Spanish is a native of Mexico and has just returned from a long journey to Mexico. It's evident that she's not one to hold back. There's no reason not to expect her to be a tyrant, alienating the other members of her household. Soon, she discovers that her Real World home is much tougher than she anticipated. Ayiiia an ex-party girl and a drug addict who has a long history of addiction, is in a state of rehab. Ayiiia cannot accept anyone's forgiveness, even though she claims to be in love with people and to not judge. Ayiiia started a romance with a different woman. She was living with her mother at home in San Diego and was looking for a home that was her own prior to the reunion. In the reunion that she and Jonna were not together due to issues they faced while filming.

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